In Los Angeles, you have to be healthy all year long. There is no getting in shape for summer (it’s always summer)! Why not make it easier on yourself and enter to win two weeks of unlimited Pure Barre (Sherman Oaks) classes + 2 weeks of bowls and smoothies from the Harvest Bar (limit one per day)!
To enter, instagram a picture of your bowl/smoothie at Harvest Bar -or- your workout at Pure Barre Sherman Oaks and hashtag #fullbarrechallenge and tag @TheHarvestBar and @PureBarreShermanOaks. Challenge runs August 1 – 31. The winner will be selected at random by September 5th.
The Harvest Bar, 15030 Ventura Blvd. Suite 8, Sherman Oaks CA 91403
Pure Barre Sherman Oaks, 13559 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks CA 91423