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hoopLA was established as a Los Angeles informational, lifestyle blog specializing in the best things to do in LA: events, art, food, fitness, health, beauty, fashion trends, travel, and hidden favorites. hoopLA digs a little deeper to provide Angelenos with great things to do each week.

Ariel Johns

Fitness, food, fun and travel are four things that Ariel Johns is highly passionate about. She recently has taken over running hoopLA! When she is not writing or blogging, she is an actress/screenwriter, who is always on the move. She loves to discover all the hidden gems that our world has to offer. This self-proclaimed nerd is a lover of horror/sci-fi/action movies, and the Philadelphia Eagles. You can usually find her flowing on her yoga mat or on a roller coaster taking full advantage of her Six Flags Season Pass.

Whitney Eshleman

I founded hoopLA in 2010 to bring my passion for the arts, travel, happy hour and fashion to life. hoopLA aims to inspire and hopes you enjoy reading and learning as much as I have loved sharing my finds on what to do. I have relocated to Raleigh, NC and started up hoopLA’s sister blog, hoopLA east. When I’m not blogging and bringing you the greatest things to do in, I working as an art director at a boutique marketing firm, or I can be found hiking, with my nose in a book, or out an about with my little family.

E-Kan Soong

(pronounced “e-con”, and yes, he was an Econ major) loves all the things LA has to offer and is currently on a never ending search for the best taco. He also is an actor and director- check out his new web series Born Losers for a laugh.