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Yoga is the Fountain of Youth

Ever wonder why most yogis you know look much younger than they really are? Not only does yoga increase your flexibility, strengthen muscles, enhance your stamina, and give you more energy, but it also has many anti-aging benefits. Yoga serves as a natural detox for your body. And what happens when you detox? Toxins that speed up the aging process are removed from the cells, allowing them to restore and regenerate. In addition, your pores are cleansed, allowing your skin to look plump and vibrant. In other words, if you’re looking to find the fountain of youth and take years off your face and body, start doing yoga.

Clocks are pictured to represent yoga helping you turn back time by looking and feeling younger.
Yoga can help you turn back time by looking and feeling younger.

But how is yoga a detox?

There are several types of asanas (postures/poses) that stimulate blood circulation, sending vital nutrients to your tissues and organs. And what is the biggest organ in your body? You guessed it, your skin. Glowing skin comes from the inside out, and these asanas will help you achieve it.


A bind is a pose that requires the rotation of the torso and shoulders while clasping the hands or wrists together. Physically binds allow you to deepen your stretch. Internally, binds aid in digestion and remove toxins from your body. Binding stimulates your abdominal organs, by activating your kidney, spleen, and liver. When the twist is released, fresh blood then enters the organs. Although binds are typically uncomfortable, they release those pesky anti-aging toxins, so bring them on! A good example of a bind is bound triangle pose.

A woman is performing bound triangle pose.  In addition to stretching the ankles, feet, and calves, and hamstrings, this asana opens your chest and shoulders, and stimulates your abdominal organs for better digestion.
A good example of a bind is bound triangle pose. In addition to stretching the ankles, feet, calves, and hamstrings, this asana opens your chest and shoulders, and stimulates your abdominal organs for better digestion.


Inversions are some of my FAVORITE poses to do in yoga. Not only do they look cool, but their health benefits are immense. An inversion consists of any posture that brings the hips higher than the heart and the heart higher than the head. Think downward dog. By bringing your hips up over your head, you’re increasing blood flow to the brain. Forward fold is also a form of an inversion, and it stimulates the liver and kidneys. Plow stimulates the abdominal organs to aid digestion and increases circulation to your thyroid. Finally, headstands and handstands require you to be completely upside down and improve cardiovascular functioning by reducing strain on the heart. Headstands and handstands increase digestion, reduce inflammation by draining accumulated lymphatic fluid from the legs and upper body, and help circulate blood to your face, hair, and brain. Many teachers like to work on this posture at the end of a practice to assist in the body’s natural cleansing process, as all toxins released during the practice are then flushed toward the heart to be oxygenated and cleansed.

A woman is standing in a headstand which increases digestion, reduces inflammation by draining accumulated lymphatic fluid from the legs and upper body, and circulates blood to your face, hair, and brain.
Headstands and handstands increase digestion, reduce inflammation by draining accumulated lymphatic fluid from the legs and upper body, and help circulate blood to your face, hair, and brain.

Arm Balances

Arm balances such as crane/crow or plank don’t just add muscles to your arms; they also strengthen the reproductive organs, increasing sexual function. An increased sex drive is a sign of anti-aging, as our sex drives tend to decrease as we age. Arm balances also activate the digestive tract, help constipation, and reduce acidity and indigestion.

All these postures flush toxins from the cells, causing a physical cleanse. But yoga also helps detoxify you emotionally and mentally.

Emotional/Mental Detox

Releasing pent up emotions and stress has been shown to take years off someone’s face, and that is what yoga can do. Certain body parts like the hips store emotions like fear, anxiety, and sadness, while the back, neck and shoulders hold stress. When we move into certain hip opening postures, you can expect a flood of emotions to come pouring out, including mental toxins. Stretching the neck, back, and shoulders are equally beneficial, allowing us to release physical tension and alleviate stress. So close your eyes, breathe in, release, and let go.

So now you see how doing yoga detoxes you from the inside out, and can literally help you age backwards, physically, emotionally, and mentally. So is yoga the fountain of youth? I challenge you to take a class and see for yourself. Namaste.

A  woman is doing a yoga pose on a beach with a beautiful sky. So now you see how doing yoga detoxes you from the inside out, and  can literally help you age backwards, physically and mentally. So is yoga the fountain of youth? I challenge you to take a class and see for yourself. Namaste.
So now you see how doing yoga detoxes you from the inside out, and can literally help you age backwards, physically and mentally. So is yoga the fountain of youth? I challenge you to take a class and see for yourself. Namaste.

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