Have you always wanted to achieve your full splits but still haven’t been able to break through? For more than half my life, I strived to reach my splits, and no matter how close I got to the ground, I just couldn’t figure out how to achieve this goal. I would get frustrated, walk away, and before I knew it, I was back at square one. I had literally tried everything but still couldn’t get there.
As a yogi, I learned quickly that yoga alone will not get you into your full splits. Let me be very clear, yoga is life for me. It keeps me in shape, and allows for overall stretching, but for full splits, you will need more.
I asked a woman in my yoga class how she got her full splits, and she told me about Hyperbolic Stretching, an online flexibility program that delivers fast results.

Hyperbolic Stretching is more than a few stretches. It’s an online program that takes a science-based approach on how to do full splits, unlock hips & gain full body flexibility for beginners & advanced athletes. The program is broken down into 21 videos of 8-Minute flexibility, and mobility routines focused on static stretching. The stretches are held for at least 30 seconds and are taught in a series of progression, allowing your muscles to prepare for the deeper stretch. The stretches relieve stiff muscles and tension, improve posture and circulation, aid in yoga progress, reduce post-workout soreness, improve sleep, aid in injury rehabilitation, and give measurable results, including full splits. This program is not just for those who are already flexible, it’s for every body type, fitness and flexibility level, and age.
Hyperbolic Stretching delivers consistent results in the shortest amount of time. After years of wishing to be able to do the splits, I was finally in them! I would have leaped for joy, but remember, I was on the ground sitting in a full split! If I can do it, so can you! Let this be the year you finally achieve your goal and get into your full splits.

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