Momed Atwater Village
Momed (pronounced mo-med) short for modern Mediterranean, (3245 Casitas Ave., Atwater CA 90039; 323.522.3488) has expanded to Atwater Village with one of the most unique spaces and inventive menus
Momed (pronounced mo-med) short for modern Mediterranean, (3245 Casitas Ave., Atwater CA 90039; 323.522.3488) has expanded to Atwater Village with one of the most unique spaces and inventive menus
Andante Coffee Roasters (7623 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, 90036), is a new coffee shop that replaced and old coffee shop (Buzz Coffee) on Beverly Boulevard. Steve Hyun, Tommy Kim (Coffee
Eddie’s Market on Michigan in Pasadena is now Ginger Corner Market (217 S. Michigan Ave., Pasadena, 91106). The cafe’s menu has a few new dishes. The standards here
Primo Passo Coffee Co. (702 Montana Ave Santa Monica, 90403) is soft opening today and brewing up espresso drinks from Stumptown beans with Straus organic dairy. They also
Lemonade The retro cafeteria opens, with wine and beer on the way, so spike your lunch bevy! No one will know! 145 S. Barrington Ave., Brentwood; 310.471.9700