Tag: Bread


LA Oktoberfest Make your Oktoberfest a classy one at the Beverly Hills Country Club. There will be “buxom beer maidens”, Bavarian dancers, beer, and plenty of German

Superba Food & Bread

Venice restaurant developer Paul Hibler has opened Superba Food & Bread (1906 Lincoln Blvd., Venice, 90291). This modern bakery and restaurant is based on community and was designed

Superba Food and Bread

Paul Hibler, owner and creator of Pitfire Artisan Pizza, Superba Snack Bar, and East Borough, announces Jason Travi as executive chef and Jason Neroni as consultant for American Gonzo Food

Bread Lounge

Bread Lounge (700 South Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles, 90021) is the first retail shop to grab bread that has been used by chefs for years. Supplying