Saturdays Off the 405 The J. Paul Getty Museum’s popular summer concert series is closing with a live performance by the British electronic music duo Demdike Stare.
Saturdays Off the 405 The J. Paul Getty Museum’s popular summer concert series is closing with a live performance by the British electronic music duo Demdike Stare.
Now Boarding, (7746 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90046; 323.848.8447) brings back the glamours days of travel right to West Hollywood, tomorrow night. There will be live acoustic sets, jazz
Food Truck Block Party Hosted by Komodo, this Friday from 5-9 pm, head to Pico/Robertson (across from the Komodo kitchen). Whist’s Sunday Brunch Whist has a new Southern brunch
Skate & Surfboard Auction for the Venice Art Walk Custom-shaped surfboards with graphics by Local Tattoo Legends and Skate decks featuring art by over 70 artists