3 Ways to Turn Your Car Into Artwork

Recycling helps the world go round — and it’s easy for you to do. Not only does reusing or
repurposing save space in landfills, it also allows you to create original artwork. Instead of
junking your car, you can use it, or pieces of it, as artwork. Instead of being an eyesore, your car
can bring beauty to the world and help save it at the same time. Take a look at these three ideas
you can use to recycle your old ride. The possibilities are endless.

Make recycled car art.
The old saying “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” holds true in this case. An old car
that barely runs could come across as junk to some people, but art is truly anything you can
imagine. You can take old metal car scraps from junk cars and weld them to make a sculpture
that sits in your yard or garden. Make anything from a bar stool to a robot – the original artwork
you can make is endless. You can even sell your car art locally or online.

Decorate the car with paint.
Like the street art in Los Angeles, there is nothing quite as beautiful as car art. L.A. offers street
art and graffiti, featuring coloring pieces all over the city. The City of Angels welcomes large-
scale artwork and murals elephants and other animalistic apparitions to portraits of people.
Why not follow suit and do something similar to your car? Pick some bold, bright colors to use
to turn your junk car into a masterpiece that spruces up your lawn.

Use stickers to personalize your car.
If drawing and painting isn’t your thing, there are stickers available to instantly change the look
of your old car. You will find nearly any sticker you can dream of when you search online. Think
about what you are passionate about. Do you love the Earth? Enjoy being a parent? Want to
show your support of fighting cancer? Whichever stickers you choose, search for ones that are
cut from weatherproof, high quality vinyl in the size of your choice. They’ll last for years on
windows and cars, so go ahead and apply them everywhere from the doors to the bumpers.
Consider art decals for a playful and fun way to make your old ride one you want to show off.

Repurposing and reusing items is an excellent way to help our planet. Recycling saves natural
resources and natural areas in the world. There are some resources that aren’t renewable, like
natural gas and oil. When we recycle materials it helps keep these non-renewable resources
from being used up as quickly. Repurposing items also helps converse the resources that are
renewable. It helps keep land that hasn’t been turned into landfills from needing to be utilized.
Reusing items saves energy too. Instead of taking your car straight to the junkyard, consider
repurposing it to save space in landfills. Make your car into a work of art – not only is it fun, but
it benefits the world. This post brought to you by Junk Car Medics.




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