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Unveiling the Future of Wellness: My Experience at Live Love Spa’s National Wellness Month Event

An image of two experiences showing love wellness - lifestyle blogger Ariel in a yoga pose on the left and lifestyle blogger Ariel on a wellness lounger on the other side.

Living in Los Angeles, we’re all about self-care, and embracing a healthy lifestyle because we love wellness. So, when I got invited to Live Love Spa’s exclusive National Wellness Month event, I knew I had to experience it firsthand. This wasn’t your average spa day; it was a glimpse into the future of luxury wellness and skincare.

National Wellness Month: Redefining Self-Care

National Wellness Month, celebrated every August, is a call to action to prioritize self-care, healthy habits, and stress management. Live Love Spa took this theme to heart, creating an event filled with cutting-edge treatments and leading industry brands.

What Set This Event Apart?

Unlike your typical spa experience, Live Love Spa offered exclusive access to brands and treatments you won’t find everywhere. This wasn’t just about a massage and a facial (although they had those too!). I had the chance to experience robotic massages from Aescape (talk about space-age relaxation!), vibrational and binaural sound treatment from Gharieni’s Satori Wellness Lounger, a hydraspa pure air facial, and invigorating classes led by leaders in the yoga and movement space.

Beyond the treatments, the event hosted a masterclass with famed beauty expert Maggie Berhoff, and connected us wellness enthusiasts with top brands like Pure Fiji, Coola, Éminence, G.M. Collin, Phytomer, Voya, Cry Baby Wax, and Comphy. These are names that often grace the shelves of exclusive spas, and Live Love Spa provided the platform to discover the future of luxury skincare.

An image of some of the skincare products from Éminence.
Hungarian skincare brand Éminence has been committed to sustainable farming and green practices, producing natural, organic, and Biodynamic® products since 1958.

My Personal Wellness Journey at Live Love Spa

My day at Live Love Spa was a full sensory experience. I started with a rejuvenating yoga class, followed by a healing sound bath that left me feeling serene. Next was a hearty and bountiful lunch before a restorative breathwork session from Pure Fiji. I closed out my day with an insightful and encouraging tarot card reading.

In between my wellness sessions, I explored various booths, learning about the latest skincare innovations from brands focused on organic, natural, and high-performance ingredients.

An image of two pictures - lifestyle blogger Ariel on the left in a yoga pose and a room of yoga mats on the right.
Yoga and breathwork are two practices that go hand-in-hand when it comes to wellness.

Wellness + Tech = Pampering 2.0

As I mentioned I love wellness. Well I also love pampering. And you can bet Live Love Spa pulled out all the stops with their pampering. They introduced me to several game-changing experiences that combined wellness and tech. I tried the viral robotic massage from the innovative Aescape. Let me tell you, a robotic massage is a whole different level of relaxation. Imagine two robot hands moving simultaneously to give you the best massage of your life! I also tried the Gharieni Satori Wellness Lounger. “Gharieni’s Satori is a complete natural vibrational and binaural sound treatment, designed to fully synchronize body and mind,” Gharieni website. As you lay back on the wellness lounger, you are transported to a peaceful oasis of soothing vibrations and sounds. This experience is known to help with low-energy, lack of sleep, anxiety and stress, and behavioral changes like weight reduction & addictive behaviors. I was blown by both experiences and can’t wait to see more from both brands.

An image of the Gharieni’s Satori wellness lounger and the viral robotic massage from the innovative Aescape.
The Gharieni’s Satori wellness lounger and the viral robotic massage from the innovative Aescape, are the future of wellness.

But the event wasn’t just about treatments and products. The highlight for me was fostering a sense of community among wellness enthusiasts. Networking with like-minded individuals is a powerful way to stay motivated on your self-care journey.

A Glimpse into the Future of Wellness

Live Love Spa’s National Wellness Month event was an eye-opening experience. It showcased the exciting advancements in spa treatments and the growing emphasis on luxury and personalization in the wellness industry. From innovative robotic massages to cutting-edge skincare brands, it was a peek into the future of how we’ll prioritize our well-being.

Wellness, 365 Days a Year

While National Wellness Month is a fantastic reminder to prioritize self-care, wellness should be practiced year-round. Whether it’s a daily meditation, a healthy meal, or a rejuvenating spa treatment, incorporating these practices into your routine helps you feel your best.

Inspired by Live Love Spa’s event, I’m committed to making wellness a daily ritual. What are you doing to prioritize your well-being? Share your tips and recommendations in the comments below! Remember, wellness is an investment in yourself, and you’re worth it!

An image of a sign on the floor stating Health is Wealth.
Remember, wellness is an investment in yourself, and you’re worth it!




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