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Ovulation and Pregnancy Test: When is the Best Time to Get Pregnant?

Have you decided to expand your family, but are having difficulty conceiving? To assess all the chances of your benefit, ovulation tests will help determine the best time to conceive a child.

What is an ovulation test?

An ovulation test, also called a fertility test, is a urine test that helps predict a woman’s ovulation period. This test works the same way as a pregnancy test, with the only difference being that it can determine the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) contained in urine. This hormone is produced throughout the menstrual cycle, but its level increases 24-36 hours before ovulation. This self-diagnostic test then determines the most favorable time for pregnancy when the peak of LH is determined, in other words, the peak of ovulation.

An image of a flower.
An ovulation test, also called a fertility test, is a urine test that helps predict a woman’s ovulation period.

Why do I need an ovulation test?

A woman is fertile for only a few days during the month, so the period for conception is quite short. By conducting an ovulation test, you can predict the date of ovulation and, thus, determine the period when fertility will be maximum, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

It may be difficult for some women to predict their ovulation period, especially in the case of an irregular menstrual cycle. Using an ovulation test makes this task easier for these women. For couples who want to start a family as soon as possible and women who are struggling to get pregnant, the ovulation test is ideal to assess all the chances on their side and make their dreams come true.

However, it is important to note that the fertility test is only an indicator. This helps determine the best time to conceive a child, but in no way improves fertility.

When should I take an ovulation test?

First of all, it is important to know the duration of your menstrual cycle. Indeed, this happens in different ways for different women, and as a result, ovulation does not occur at the same time. The duration of the menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of menstruation to the day before the next menstruation. Generally speaking, we note that the cycle duration is 28 days.

Once you know the duration of the cycle, it is recommended to perform an ovulation test starting on the 18th day before menstruation. So, when the time comes, you can do a fertility test every day and preferably at the same time until you get a positive test result.

In fact, ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation, but the fertile period lasts from 4 days preceding the last one to 2 subsequent days. To find out the exact date of ovulation, simply subtract 14 from the number of days of the cycle. Thus, for most women with a 28-day cycle, this happens on the 14th day of the cycle. In a woman with a longer cycle (34 days), ovulation will occur on day 20 compared to day 7 with a 21-day cycle.

An ovulation test can be done at any time of the day. However, it should be noted that it is not recommended to do this with the first urine in the morning. Indeed, the results of the first urine test are not accurate and may give false positive results, since they reflect the production of hormones from yesterday. It is also advisable not to drink too much and not urinate a few hours before the ovulation test.

An image of a couple kissing holding a sonogram.
By conducting an ovulation test, you can predict the date of ovulation and, thus, determine the period when fertility will be maximum, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

How do I do an ovulation test?

When you have determined the ideal time for an ovulation test, start by removing the cap, after which two options will be available to you. You can perform it directly in the urine stream by placing the absorbent tip of the test at the level of the urine stream and pointing it down, and all this for 5-10 seconds. First of all, be careful not to splatter the results window. Otherwise, you can also run a test using a container. Collect the urine sample in a clean, dry container. Lower the absorbent part of the dough into the container and wait for about fifteen seconds.

After completing any of these options, replace the test cap, and then place the test rod flat with the results window facing up. Wait 5-10 minutes for the results to appear.

If a single stripe appears on the ovulation test, then it is negative. On the contrary, if two stripes are displayed, it means that the test is positive and this is the ideal time to conceive a child! However, be careful: if the results are displayed for too long, they may be distorted.


Ovulation tests are a valuable tool for couples trying to conceive, as they help pinpoint the most fertile days in a woman’s cycle. While they don’t increase fertility, these tests can significantly improve your chances of becoming pregnant by ensuring you time intercourse optimally. Understanding how and when to use them can make the journey to parenthood more predictable and less stressful.




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