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Is It Hard to Become a Film Extra in Los Angeles?

Home to Hollywood, LA is the epicenter of movie-making, hosting a plethora of studios, production companies, and a vibrant community of actors, directors, and film professionals. 

With numerous productions happening simultaneously, the city offers a multitude of opportunities for those looking to break into the industry, including aspiring film extras.

The Role of a Film Extra

A film extra, also known as a background actor, plays a crucial role in adding realism to scenes by populating the background of a film or television show. 

While they don’t have speaking roles, extras contribute significantly to the ambiance and authenticity of scenes, portraying everyday people in various settings such as busy streets, restaurants, or sporting events. 

Their presence helps create a believable world that enhances the story being told on screen.

An image from an outdoor movie scene.
A film extra, also known as a background actor, plays a crucial role in adding realism to scenes by populating the background of a film or television show.
Basic Requirements to Become a Film Extra

Becoming a film extra in Los Angeles doesn’t require formal education or extensive acting experience. However, there are some basic requirements that aspiring extras need to meet:

  • Age: Most productions require extras to be at least 18 years old. However, there are opportunities for children and teenagers as well, typically accompanied by a guardian.
  • Legal Right to Work: You must have the legal right to work in the United States, including the necessary work permits and identification.
  • Physical Stamina: Extras often spend long hours on set, sometimes under varying weather conditions, so physical stamina is essential.
  • Availability: Flexibility and availability are crucial, as shoots can happen on short notice and may require full-day commitments.
Necessary Skills and Attributes

While extras don’t need extensive acting skills, certain attributes can enhance their chances of getting hired:

  • Reliability: Punctuality and dependability are highly valued on set.
  • Adaptability: The ability to follow directions and adapt quickly to changes is essential.
  • Professionalism: Maintaining a professional demeanor and respecting the set environment is important.
  • Observant: Being attentive and aware of the surroundings to ensure you hit your marks and follow the director’s instructions.

Finding Opportunities

Staying informed about upcoming productions and knowing where to look for casting calls is essential for aspiring film extras. Casting websites such as Backstage, Casting Networks, and Actors Access regularly post casting calls for extras, making them valuable resources. 

Following casting directors, agencies, and production companies on social media can provide timely updates on casting opportunities. Attending film industry events, workshops, and networking functions can also lead to valuable connections and insider information about upcoming projects.

Working with reputable agencies and online platforms can streamline the process of finding extra work. Central Casting, one of the oldest and most respected casting agencies for extras in Los Angeles, offers a range of opportunities across various productions. 

Extras Management is another agency that specializes in providing background talent for film and television productions. Casting Frontier is an online platform that connects actors with casting calls and audition opportunities, including those for extras.

An image of the Casting Frontier website.
Casting Frontier is an online platform that connects actors with casting calls and audition opportunities, including those for extras. (Photo Credit: Casting Frontier)

Steps to Apply for Extra Roles

Applying for extra roles involves several steps that are relatively straightforward but require attention to detail:

  1. Create a Profile: Sign up on casting websites such as Central Casting, Casting Networks, and others. Fill out your profile with accurate information about your appearance, availability, and any special skills.
  1. Submit Applications: Regularly check casting calls and submit applications for roles that match your profile. Follow the instructions carefully, as some may require specific photos or additional details.
  1. Attend Casting Calls: For some roles, you might need to attend open casting calls or scheduled auditions. Be prepared to wait and follow instructions from casting directors.
  1. Respond Promptly: If you are selected, you will often be contacted via email or phone. Respond promptly to confirm your availability and receive further instructions.
Importance of Professional Headshots and Resumes

While extras typically don’t need an extensive acting resume, having professional headshots is crucial. 

High-quality headshots help casting directors quickly assess if you fit the look they need for a scene. Investing in good headshots can significantly improve your chances of being selected. 

A simple resume highlighting any relevant experience or skills, even if minimal, can also be beneficial.

Common challenges faced by aspiring extras:

  • Unpredictable Schedule: The nature of film production means that schedules can be unpredictable, with last-minute calls and long hours on set.
  • Inconsistent Work: Extra work can be sporadic, with periods of high activity followed by lulls. It’s important to have flexibility and other sources of income.
  • Physical Demands: Being on set can be physically demanding, requiring long hours of standing or repetitive actions.

Los Angeles attracts a large number of aspiring actors, making the competition fierce. Many people are vying for the same roles, so standing out can be challenging. Persistence and a positive attitude are key to navigating this competitive environment.

An image of a director behind a camera.
With numerous productions happening simultaneously, the city offers a multitude of opportunities for those looking to break into the industry, including aspiring film extras.

Tips for Success

Networking Strategies
  • Join Industry Groups: Participate in local acting groups, workshops, and online forums to connect with other actors and industry professionals.
  • Attend Events: Go to industry events, film festivals, and networking gatherings to meet casting directors and other insiders.
  • Leverage Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to connect with casting directors, follow agencies, and stay updated on opportunities.
Best Practices on Set
  • Be Punctual: Arrive early and be ready to start when called. Reliability is highly valued in the industry.
  • Follow Directions: Listen carefully to the director and crew, and follow their instructions without hesitation.
  • Stay Professional: Maintain a professional demeanor, respect the crew and fellow extras, and avoid causing any disruptions.
Persistence and Attitude
  • Stay Positive: Keep a positive attitude, even during long and challenging days on set. Your demeanor can make a significant difference in your experience and reputation.
  • Be Persistent: Don’t get discouraged by rejection or lack of immediate success. Persistence is crucial in the entertainment industry.
  • Continue Learning: Take acting classes, improve your skills, and stay informed about industry trends to enhance your prospects.




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