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3 Benefits of a Vertical Garden Tower for Children

One benefit to discussing and getting children involved with vegetable gardening with children is that they will eat more fruits and vegetables as a result.  A vertical garden tower like the ones supplied by Gardyn, is the perfect place for children to start experimenting with plants.

Children who grow their own produce are also much more likely to try new vegetables, and continue to eat them over the course of their lives, developing the healthy eating habits beneficial for lifelong physical wellness and preventing obesity and other health problems.

A further advantage of vegetable-growing with children is about taking responsibility. As children are closely involved in the process, taking responsibility means they know how to take care of plants – by watering their plants, harvesting them, or going the extra step to discover how to make them grow. In other words, this kind of responsibility can be taken up by the child and applied to other areas as well.

Moreover, teaching children how to grow a vegetable garden is a valuable lesson in the environment. Kids who grow their own food learn how to care for soil, how to conserve water, and how plants fit into the natural environment. In this way, gardening can translate into a deeper appreciation of the natural world – which, I suspect, is a great start toward environmentally conscientious grown-ups. 

A vertical tower garden is an excellent support for educating children about vegetable gardens. Here are just 3 reasons why:

An image of fresh vegetables.
A vertical tower garden is an excellent support for educating children about vegetable gardens.


Its small, space-saving design can be used both indoors and out; and those living in urban or suburban settings could benefit greatly from a Tower Garden. Those living in small apartments or houses can use the small amount of outdoor space they have available or bring the Tower Garden inside. 


Secondly, because the Tower Garden utilizes a hydroponic/aeroponic system (meaning that its plants grow with air and water, not soil), it teaches children how to conserve water, as well as how to grow plants without soil. 

What makes a Tower Garden possible is a continuous flow of nutrient-rich solution through the entire garden system, which feeds the plants everything they need to grow healthily.


Thirdly, the Tower Garden has an aesthetically pleasing design that can attract young children into the growing process. Plants sprout vertically in cylindrical columns instead of horizontal rows adding unexpected beauty to the nutrition education experience. Many children are actively engaged by the opportunity to learn about plant parts simply because of the tower’s aesthetic. 


The Vertical Garden Tower is easy for children to manage and even easy to maintain. Children like the idea of being in charge of their plants and getting to witness their produce grow.

An image of a girl watering plants showing how easy a tower garden is for kids to manage.
The Vertical Garden Tower is easy for children to manage and even easy to maintain.




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