Second Class Citizen Campaign Los Angeles

image001Ryan James Yezak’s Second Class Citizens Campaign photo shoot is this Friday at Mickey’s West Hollywood from 9 pm-1 am. The purpose of the campaign is to support and help fund the Second Class Citizens documentary (which is still currently in production) through its completion to spread its message about equal rights and the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation. The campaign consists of LGBT individuals and straight allies, posing to declare that they will not stand for gay and lesbian Americans being treated as “second class citizens” in the United States. The director of the film, Ryan James Yezak, will be traveling to all 50 states at least once – And so far he’s held shoots in TX, FL, and now across Cali.

Check out the documentary promo videos:
The Gay Rights Movement
I Want To Know What It’s Like

$30/person and $20/person in each group




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